The Perfect Hunt

Two weeks earlier, we received a call about a possible monster alligator, realized this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and decided to go for it. Since this was a fair chase hunt, there were no land restrictions and no way of truly knowing how big the animal was until it was scouted. The guys at Big O Hunts scouted by land and plane and leading up to the final days they did an overnight camp out and were able to verify the magnitude of this animal. In the final days leading up to the hunt, we decided we wanted to develop a bullet superior to current match grade ammunition on the market. Our choice for this hunt was to use a 7MM bullet for an effective, ethical kill. The team worked around the clock for the next week and a half to design, build, and test the bullets to ensure they were accurate. Gary Buntain was a huge help in this process. We would test each of the newly designed bullets by taking seven consecutive shots. If the grouping couldn't fit in a dime size hole, we would start making adjustments to insure the bullet was precise. Once the rounds were in a tight enough grouping, the bullets went into production.
In a hurry to meet deadlines and make it to the airport in time, Gary and I only had time to load 47 of the brand new 7MM Fort Scott Munitions bullets into the box made for 50 before heading out the door for the airport. I know I really didn't need 50 bullets, but it's nice to have a full box! As a gift for my birthday several years prior, my mom and dad gave me a Kimber firearm. It seemed only fitting that I would use my new Kimber Adirondack Rifle for this hunt. As backup, just in case anything went awry, Greg and Matt had me covered.

After getting settled for no more than five minutes, the alligator poked a nostril out of the water followed by its head, which was heading towards the pond dam we had just crossed. "That's him. That's him. That's him. Take him!" said Casey. We were 55 yards away; I was ready to take the shot. Ignoring my pounding heart, I steadied my rifle and aimed for the alligator's eye. Just like that, the bullet made contact just an inch above his eye, and the alligator's body came out of the water upon impact. His head, tail and legs were exposed momentarily and then quickly began to sink. Immediately after the shot, it seemed like an eternity but racing to the waters edge Casey, our guide had a moment of doubt. "I hope that was him." Casey said nervously.
With the strength of 5 grown men on the rope, we pulled in a 13 foot 2 1/2 inch alligator topping out the scales at a whopping 980 pounds. I literally want to call it a blessing. Just minutes after I shot the alligator, the storm rolled in.
Since we were hunting out of state, our tag for this alligator was obtained from the state of Florida. This gator broke two of Big O Hunts previous benchmarks. The first was broken by 1/2" on overall length and the other in weight by 250 pounds. This made our alligator exceed the illusive 13 foot threshold and excess of 900 pounds to truly be a Monster alligator. Based on the size of him, our guides are estimating that he was closing in on 100 years old. Alligators have about the same life expectancy as humans but to get to that age, an alligator this size would have endured unending territorial battles to obtain the best sustainable living areas. This alligator is no exception to that seeing that a portion of his tail had even been bitten off at one point in his life. Not only that, but the taxidermist found an archery broad head in the sinus cavity where he had been shot with a bow that had been lodged and healed over.