We are proud to partner with Gun Owners of America.
10% of all GOA ammo sales will be donated back to Gun Owners of America Organization.
Gun Owners of America was founded in 1975 by Sen. H.L. (Bill) Richardson (now retired). The GOA Board of Directors brings over 100 years of combined knowledge and experience on guns, legislation and politics. GOA’s Board is not satisfied with the “status quo.” Americans have lost some of our precious gun rights and we want them back! This is why GOA is considered the “no compromise” gun lobby. From state legislatures and city councils to the United States Congress and the White House, GOA represents the views of gun owners whenever their rights are threatened. If you would like to learn more about what Gun Owners of America is doing for our 2A rights or to become a member (we highly suggest that you do); you should visit their website - www.gunowners.org
Unbelievable Accuracy and Terminal Performance
- Non-lead, solid copper spun (SCS®) bullet
- Patented, Tumble Upon Impact® design
Fort Scott Munitions’ (FSM®) 9MM Luger TUI® ammo is a match grade handgun bullet, with a Tumble Upon Impact® action that exceeds the performance of a standard expanding bullet for decisive terminal impact. Engineered to create a dynamic, Tumble Upon Impact® wound cavity, the unique patented design of our 9MM Luger ammunition provides superior performance. If you carry a small caliber handgun, you know your life may depend on accurate bullet placement.
Unfailingly Accurate
This fast, powerful round gives you superior accuracy and a tactical advantage in any situation. Fort Scott Munitions™ (FSM®) ammo provides impressive ballistic performance and ensures accuracy in a critical situation. When you need small caliber home defense ammunition that you can trust your life with, 9MM Luger TUI® ammo is a sure-fire solution. Fort Scott Munitions™ has raised the bar for 9MM Luger performance with this match grade self-defense ammo.
Potent and Powerful
Our 9MM Luger shells are the ideal choice when you need large caliber effectiveness from an easily concealable handgun. This precision ammo is perfect when you need to act fast and group your shots to target vital organs. The Tumble Upon Impact™ ensures more soft tissue trauma and hydrostatic shock than you would think possible from a small projectile. Representing the pinnacle of ballistic effectiveness, this handgun ammunition proves that lethal force from a small caliber bullet is not only possible, but something you can count on.
Superior in Law Enforcement and Security
The pinpoint accuracy and terminal performance of 9MM Luger TUI® ammo make it eminently suitable for law enforcement and security work, as well as for civilian home protection and self-defense. Each bullet is constructed using only the best components, making this the grade ammo to insist upon when consistent performance is essential. In situations where lives are on the line, you can draw your weapon with complete confidence, knowing your skills will not be compromised by your ammo.