Field Testing with Law Enforcement

During the test at the distance range we were able to focus on getting tight groupings at long distances. "The accuracy of this ammunition is better than any of the other brand I have fired," said Schiereck. He continued, "…I was amazed. My 100 yard 2 inch grouping turned into point of aim, point of impact, at 300 yards." We have been determined to produce rounds that are consistent and able to have proven accuracy.
Schiereck's scope was designed for use up to 500 yards and he was able to hit steel targets at 600 and 750 yards. According to Schiereck, "The ammunition is no doubt long range ammo with accuracy in mind." Schiereck has tested Fort Scott Munitions™ ammo in a Glock 17, Just Right Carbine, 9 mm with a 17 inch barrel, and a Mossberg MVP LR 308 win with a 20 inch barrel and has started adding Fort Scott

During his second visit to Fort Scott Munitions, Schiereck helped us push the Fort Scott Munitions ammo™ to the limits with some real life scenario testing. He shot our 9 mm ammo through windshields, ballistic vests as well as gel. "I am impressed with the performance of the ammunition," shared Schiereck. We were also able to fire off the 308 Win through a windshield at about 25 yards as well as hit targets set between 600 and 700 yards. Schiereck said, "In my opinion, from the comparison, FSM stayed on trajectory and performed better than the comparison ammo."
Schiereck concluded by saying, "I believe this ammunition has applications for law enforcement in certain situations and distances. I would recommend that every Tactical, SWAT, or Special Response teams evaluate this ammunition to see if it would fit in their operational needs for specific situations. As far as civilian use, try it yourself, see and feel the difference." We would definitely agree with Schiereck and would love for you to put our ammo to the test for your own personal use.
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